
Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sweet Home, Almost 

My goodness, the walls of the Blog are desolate lately. Well, here's a start.

I'm back East yet again. Last month, I took a promotion which sent me to Arlington, Virginia. Trees! Four seasons! Rain! Squirrels! Even now, a furry beast lounges on the deck railing outside the window and glares at me with those wee beady eyes...

Auburn is still a hefty drive away (12 hours), but I'm glad to be anywhere near the Plains again.

I'm working as a Network Administrator now for the same company, Imagine Schools. They're a non-profit national charter school company, for those of you with young-uns. I'm living in a house-share situation at the moment. I sold off most of my stuff so that I can be nomadic. (I kept the home theatre, of course!)

I intend on making it back to The Plains this fall at least once... updates as they develop.

AIM/YIM auburntigerrich

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Holiday Plans 

I know we've posted before what our plans are for the holidays and where we will be, so that we might be able to see each other if we're in the same area.  So I thought I would begin the posts this year.

Will and I plan to head for Troy Christmas afternoon for the family thing, then we'll be in Montgomery until the 28th.  After Montgomery, we plan to stay on my parents' land out in Loachapoka, about ten minutes outside of Auburn.  We might be there until the New Year, and we might be hosting a bonfire/party for anyone who wants to ring in the New Year with us.  It will be mostly dependant on if my brother is okay with it, since he lives there with his wife and two-year-old, but we should know soon.

Let us know if you're interested!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Watch For Flying Objects. 

Taken directly from the "Observations" section of this week's College GameDay Final page by Ivan Maisel on ESPN.com...

2. The dumb Alabama fans pelted the Georgia Dawgpile -- which was celebrating its overtime win -- with cups and whiskey bottles. The smart ones understood that, for the second straight week, the Crimson Tide won the fourth quarter, one of the primary goals coach Nick Saban set when he arrived in January. The future looks bright, give or take the juvenile fans who threw glass bottles onto the field.

I'm not sure if it makes me feel any better about this season or not, but at least we can snicker at something in September...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Time to Head to J&M... 

Oh man. Auburn Football is here again. It has been so long... how I've missed you!

My thoughts instantly float to autumn in freshman/sophomore year. There's just that electricity in the air. Everything seems new and fresh, the leaves are turning, and Toomer's Corner seems like the center of the universe.

This past Saturday, I rejoined the Phoenix Auburn Club for a viewing of the Kansas State game. The game itself was monumental, to say the least (I called the go-ahead touchdown before the snap), but just being around all those Auburn folk again was better.

It reminded me of all the Broun away-game watching days. I particularly remember the 9-0 Iron Bowl at Tuscaloosa. There were so many people in the lobby, all huddled around the crappy tv, watching the Tigers fly through the rain and mud for sixty minutes to shut out Bama.


Anyhow, I just thought I'd chime in and direct a hearty spirit-shaker shake at all of yall. Wish I could be there.

War Damn Eagle.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

We're Married! 

Psst, Jason or Bubba, change my name! :-)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Tailgate Update 

Ok, I promise this is the last time we are going to do this...we're changing the date of the Tailgate again!

It's just not a good idea to try to tailgate before a 11:30am game (Sept 15, Mississippi State), so we are moving the date back 1 week to September 22 (New Mexico State) which is a 6pm Central game. That gives us plenty of time to get a little sleep, and tailgate for lunch and/or dinner during the day.

We're only a couple of short weeks away from football season. War Eagle!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I guess this is my update... 

The details of my life are quite inconsequential. Okay, I admit it. When Caroline referred to the two people who had just been accepted to grad school, it was the two of us. Michele has started her Master's in Library Science with the University of West Alabama (yeah, I had never heard of it either). I've started mine in Math Ed. with Troy-Dothan. Other than having to drive an hour back and forth to Dothan three nights a week, it's been a relative breeze. Most of the people in my two math classes are teachers, which the professor realizes, so he's really taking it easy on us. Wait, let me stress that. HE'S REALLY TAKING IT EASY ON US. We only had one test in both classes (the final), which was nice because it was stuff that we've been covering the entire summer. He understands that most of us are doing this to get a raise, that high schools don't cover these classes, and that, should any of us decide to move onto a junior college and need to teach this, we can relearn it very quickly and easily. So, yeah, he rocks.

Let's see, in other news, Michele and I were both granted tenure at the end of this past year. This means that we cannot be released for reasons like the school system not having enough money or other problems like that. In other words, we'd really have to screw up, be extremely incompetent, or derelict in our duties. No problem there.

We traded in Michele's old '95 Nissan Altima (which I've been driving) for an '07 Santa Fe in May. It's SWEET. I've really enjoyed driving it around, but obviously the gas mileage isn't the greatest driving down to Dothan. Needless to say, I'll start driving Michele's Camry down to Dothan starting in the fall.

Ummm, I think that's pretty much it. No pitter-patter of little feet or anything to report, unless Michele's running around, of course. ;) Y'all take care and I'll try to be better about staying in touch!

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All times Central. War Damn Eagle.